Monday, September 13, 2010

Every Intention

     This past weekend, I had every intention of sitting down at my computer, with my Ipod, and writing. I am supposed to be working on book 2 of The Quest for Reason series. On my way home from a student's house on Satrday morning, my characters and their predicaments were running through my head. The music in the CD player in the car, which is the same music I need to write, was inspiring new things, as it always does. When I reached home, however, my whole mood changed. My husband was on call this past weekend and I decided to grab my eReader and ride along with him. That's something I used to do in the past but now that life is so hectic I rarely do it. So when the opportunity was there, I grabbed it.
     After hours of emergency-drain-problem calls, he finally had some down time and we ended up looking around in different stores, just like we used to in the past. Though I wasn't at home writing, like I had originally planned, I realized my characters were still with me (or in my head, anyway). It's funny how much they seem to be a part of my life. Seeing an outfit and thinking to myself that it's something Kalia would like or maybe Lily, or Fiore, makes me laugh. I often wonder if it's just me or if other writers experience the same thing.
     By the time we finally got home Saturday night and I went to my room to sit at my computer, I made the mistake of turning the TV on and I found all kinds of shows on about 9/11. I say it's a mistake because I was distracted from my original objective. After sitting there watching these shows, with a pile of tissues in my hand, all creativity left me.
     Sunday was spent on homework and lesson planning so no writing that day either. I promised myself that tonight (Monday) I would write and that's exactly what I'm going to do, especially sinceI saw the guy at work today, the one that comes to pick up his children, the one that looks exactly like my description of Aaron in Lily. I was shocked when I first saw him three weeks ago but needless to say, seeing him inspired some new ideas and reminded me just how much I miss my characters.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Now available ~ Lily by L M DeWalt

Lily, the first novel in The Quest for Reason series by L M DeWalt has been published by ireadiwrite publishing! You can get you copy today at any of the following ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lily is available in both English & Spanish!
