Monday, May 23, 2011

A Letter from Lily

May 23, 2011


     Do you know LM DeWalt? If so, would you give her a message for me? I'd tell her myself but I don't know where she is or what she's doing. If you see her, please ask her not to leave me alone for too long because even a day is too much to handle.
     I understand that she has other responsibilities. I know how hectic life can get. She has a family and those private students she sees once a week (I'm not jealous or anything). She goes to college and I totally understand how demanding that can be, having been to college a few times myself. I also understand that she goes to Gettysburg quite often with her husband (again- not jealous, but she could take me with her once in a while). What I don't understand is how she can leave me at the worst of times. I know, I'm a vampire and I'm supposed to have an endless supply of energy and all, but I do get bored.
     One time, she left me dancing for days. That can get really old, especially when it's the same song playing over and over and over! Even a vampire's feet can get sore, since she expects me to dance in heels (just because she can't dance in flats)! I won't mention all the times she left me alone in book one (way too many to list). Book two was flowing along quite nicely, until two days ago. I don't know if it's school keeping her away or something else, but I'm dying here, literally! She just left me bleeding all over the place. Fiore, from what I hear, is getting sick of mopping up all the blood and, unless my trusty (and absent) author comes back soon, the blood won't stop. I doubt she wants to deal with Fiore's temper then. Believe me, sometimes I don't mind a break from all the trouble she puts me through (I don't hold her personally responsible- sometimes) but why now? I'm in Lima, Peru and I have lots of sightseeing to do.
     So please, be a friend and pass along the message for me. Maybe you have her email address or her cell number (she never gave them to me) and can get in touch with her. Tell her I'm getting sick of waiting and feeling very useless just laying around bleeding to death.

Thank you,
Lily Townsend

P.S. If you know what she's doing, please fill me in. I won't tell her you told me.

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